Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Chapter 13: Go to the Mirror! (The Who, 1969)

Check yourself! You need the torch, lamp and the egg (unless you already gave it to the Thief). Use the inventory command to see what you are carrying and then take accordingly.

>open trap door



The door crashes shut, and you hear someone barring it.


Troll Room


East-West Passage


Round Room


[Winding Passage] You are in a winding passage. It seems that there is only an exit on the east end, although the whirring from the round room can be heard faintly to the north.

Another of the many one-way opportunities...chalk it up to magic and move on. And just ignore the part about the whirring sound. We know the Round Room isn't spinning anymore, but the parser is only so smart…


[Mirror Room (#1)] You are in a large square room with tall ceilings. There are exits on the south, east, and west sides of the room. On the south wall is an enormous mirror which fills the entire wall.

You can't take the mirror, but looking into it provides our first chance to see ourselves as the game sees us, as there is an ugly person staring back at you. Apparently, there is no accounting for taste in Zork. The mirror can be broken, but all that gets you is seven years of bad luck. Talking to the mirror (ala Snow White) is useless. Let's sum this up: poor reflection qualities, can be broken, doesn't speak. Pretty useless as a mirror, if you ask me. Still, it is here for a reason (isn't everything?), so...try touching it.

>touch mirror

There is a rumble from deep within the earth, and the room shakes.

Hmmm...since when does touching a mirror cause an earthquake? Must be something else. Better look around.


[Mirror Room (#2)] You are in a large square room with tall ceilings. There are exits on the south, east, and west sides of the room. On the south wall is an enormous mirror which fills the entire wall.

Looks the same. Okay, let's get out of here.


[Cave] You are in a small cave with an entrance to the north and a stairway leading down.

Wait a minute...that wasn't here before. Touching the mirror must transport us to another mirror room elsewhere in the underground. Best to look around before going back.


[Atlantis Room] You are in an ancient room, long buried by the reservoir. There are exits here to the southeast and upward. On the shore lies Neptune's own crystal trident.

>take trident



[Reservoir North] You are in a large cavernous room, to the south of which was formerly a reservoir. However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream running through the center of the room. There is a tunnel leaving the room to the north. There is a small pump here.

Our visit to Flood Control Dam #3 paid off. Good thing we emptied the Reservoir.

>take pump


Let's backtrack a bit.


Atlantis Room




Mirror Room #2


[Cold Passage] You are in a cold and damp corridor where a long east-west passageway intersects with a northward path.


[Slide Room] You are in a small chamber, which appears to have been part of a coal mine. On the south wall of the chamber the letters "Granite Wall" are etched into the rock. To the east is a long passage, and there is a steep metal slide twisting downward. To the north is a small opening. From the appearance of the slide, an attempt to climb up would be impossible. To the north is a small opening.

This faux "Granite Wall" has no use...others might, but as the InvisiClues for Zork I stated, "Evidently the ancient Zorkers did not have strong truth-in-advertising laws. Take nothing for granite."


[Mine Entrance] You are standing at the entrance of what might have been a coal mine. To the northeast and the northwest are entrances to the mine, and there is another exit on the south end of the room.

A mine in an underground set of caves...who woulda thunk it? We'll come back this way later.


Slide Room

The Cellar included a steep metal ramp which was unclimbable. Seems reasonable this is the top of that slide. Slides are fun, so let's go!



Nice...another way to the Cellar!


Troll Room


Maze #1


Maze #2


Maze #4


Maze #5

Remember…leave everything there!


Maze #6


Maze #7


Maze #11


Grating Room




Behind House




Living Room

>put treasures in case

>drop pump



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