Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Chapter 28: Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd, 1973)

Check yourself! You need the canary. Use the inventory command to see what you are carrying and then take accordingly.




Behind House



There is a pile of leaves on the ground.



One particularly large tree with some low branches stands here.

>wind canary

The canary chirps, slightly off key, an aria from a forgotten opera. From out of the greenery flies a lovely song bird. It perches on a limb just over your head and opens its beak to sing. As it does so, a beautiful brass bauble drops from its mouth, bounces off the top of your head, and lands glimmering in the grass. As the canary winds down, the song bird flies away.

>take bauble



North of House


Behind House




Living Room

>put treasures in case



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